Policies / Issuances

Administrative Order No. 25 s. 2011

Creating an Inter-Agency Task Force on the Harmonization of National Government Performance Monitoring, Information and Reporting Systems


Executive Order No. 43 s. 2011

Pursuing Our Social Contract with the Filipino People through the Reorganization of the Cabinet Clusters

Executive Order No. 80 s. 2012

Directing the Adoption of a Performance-Based Incentive System for Government Employees

Executive Order No. 99 s. 2012

Reconstituting the Office of the Cabinet Secretariat, Renaming It as the Office of the Cabinet Secretary, Defining Its Powers and Functions, Providing for Its Support Staff and for Other Purposes

CHED Memorandum Order No. 35 s. 2012

Supplemental Implementing Guidelines on Cascading Performance Targets of State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) in Line with Executive Order (EO) No. 80 Series of 2012

Memorandum Circular No. 2012-01

Guidelines on the Cascading of Department Performance Targets in Line with Executive Order (EO) No. 80

Memorandum Circular No. 2012-02

Guidelines to Clarify the Good Governance Conditions for Fiscal Year 2012 in Line with the Grant of the Performance-Based Bonus under Executive Order (EO) No. 80

Memorandum Circular No. 2012-02-A

Amendment to MC 2012-02 on Guidelines to Clarify the Good Governance Conditions for Fiscal Year 2012 in Line with the Grant of the Performance-Based Bonus under Executive Order (EO) No. 80

Memorandum Circular No. 2012-03

Guidelines on Determining Eligibility and Ranking Bureaus, Delivery Units, and Individuals Based on Performance in Line with the Grant of the Performance-Based Bonus (PBB) in FY 2012

Memorandum Circular No. 2012-04

Guidelines on the Submission of Accomplishment Reports and Requests for Release of Funds for Payment of the FY 2012 Performance-Based Bonus (PBB)


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